Frontend World - DEVWorld 2025


For all Frontend Developers

  • 2,500 Java Developers
  • 40 JavaScript Sessions
  • 20 Thought Leaders
Parallax impression

What to Expect

  • What's New in React: Major Updates and Features in React 18

    Dive into the latest major release of React 18, including new features like Concurrent Mode, automatic batching, and React Server Components. Learn how these updates impact performance and development workflows.

  • The Future of CSS: Beyond Flexbox and Grid

    Explore next-generation CSS features, including Container Queries for responsive design within component boundaries, advanced Custom Properties for dynamic theming, and cutting-edge enhancements in CSS Grid Layout. Understand how these sophisticated innovations facilitate the creation of intricate, adaptive layouts with minimal code, and streamline the development process by leveraging the full potential of modern CSS capabilities.

  • Building Accessible and Inclusive User Interfaces

    Master advanced strategies for crafting highly accessible and inclusive web experiences by implementing ARIA roles, semantic HTML, and adaptive design principles. Delve into sophisticated accessibility techniques such as dynamic content updates, custom interactive elements, and comprehensive user testing across diverse assistive technologies. Enhance your expertise in creating universally usable applications through rigorous adherence to accessibility standards and best practices.

  • Advanced JavaScript Techniques: Async/Await, Web Workers, and More

    Dive deep into advanced JavaScript paradigms, focusing on cutting-edge techniques such as async/await for managing complex asynchronous workflows, and harnessing Web Workers to offload intensive computations and improve concurrency. Additionally, uncover intricate performance optimizations, including memory management strategies and advanced debugging techniques, to elevate the efficiency and scalability of your JavaScript applications.

  • GraphQL for Frontend Development: Simplifying Data Fetching

    Gain advanced insights into leveraging GraphQL to revolutionize data fetching and management in your frontend applications. Delve into its sophisticated querying capabilities, real-time updates with subscriptions, and flexible schema design. Explore how GraphQL's efficiency and precision surpass traditional REST APIs and master its integration for optimal performance and scalability in modern web architectures.

  • Building Interactive Visualizations with D3.js

    Deepen your expertise in D3.js to craft intricate, interactive data visualizations by mastering advanced techniques such as complex data binding, multi-stage transitions, and seamless integration with frontend frameworks like React or Vue. Explore sophisticated methods for optimizing performance and scalability, including custom data-driven animations and real-time updates, to create high-impact, data-rich user interfaces.

Past Speakers

  • Photo of Evan You

    Evan You

    Creator of Vue & Vite

    STATE OF VUE & VITE | Evan is an independent software developer currently based in Singapore. He is the creator of the JavaScript framework Vite & Vue.js and the frontend build tool Vite. Most of his work is open source and publicly available on GitHub. If you happen to benefit from his OSS work, you can support him financially via GitHub Sponsors.

  • Photo of Samantha Greatorex

    Samantha Greatorex

    Technical Architect @Zoom

    Samantha will be hosting a workshop which enables developers to work together in teams and set up the Zoom Video SDK within a React Website.

  • Photo of Ryan Carniato

    Ryan Carniato

    Creator of SolidJS

    SOLIDSTART | CEO of Signals, JavaScript performance enthusiast and fine-grained reactivity superfan. He is the creator of the JavaScript framework SolidJS, and Principal Engineer on Netlify's OSS team, where he works with multiple open source projects to develop a better web.

  • Photo of Marc Backes

    Marc Backes

    DevRel Lead

    DevRel Lead at WeAreDevelopers and Vue & Nuxt enthusiast

  • Photo of Rachel Nabors

    Rachel Nabors

    Software Developer

    Rachel Nabors has spear headed developer education at FAANG companies like Amazon and startups like Clerk and participated web standards and opensource with Mozilla, the W3C, Microsoft. They have built award winning dev portals for React and React Native with the core teams at Meta. They are currently roaming the world, working on opensource projects that teach the world to code from their homebase in London.

  • Photo of Ryan Dahl

    Ryan Dahl

    Creator of Node.js

    Creator of the Node.js JavaScript runtime as well as the Deno JavaScript/TypeScript runtime.

  • Photo of Mrina Sugosh

    Mrina Sugosh

    Developer Relations Manager @CKEditor

    Mrina is a Developer Relations Manager with 4+ years' experience with Full Stack Development, Cloud, and AI products. She has been "hacking" away at tech projects since the age of 14! Her first project was programming her TI-84 calculator to be able quickly find the hypotenuse of a right triangle. Since then she has been in constant pursuit of employing CS to enable her curiosity.

  • Photo of Scott Chacon

    Scott Chacon

    Co-Founder at Github

    Scott Chacon is the co-founder of GitHub; now co-founder of GitButler, a next generation version control client, based in Berlin. Scott helped grow GitHub from 4 cofounders to 450 employees over 8 years, eventually being acquired by Microsoft for $7.5 billion. Scott is also the author of Pro Git, published by Apress and found online at In unrelated news, he holds a WSET Level 3 certification in Wines and Spirits and owns a dog rescue outside of Berlin.

  • Photo of Kaya Weers

    Kaya Weers

    Software Engineer @Ordina

    Kaya is a software developer at the Ordina who loves innovation and asking ‘why?’. She likes to combine creativity and technology to come up with the best solutions.

  • Photo of Iulia Feroli

    Iulia Feroli

    Senior Developer Advocate @Elastic

    After working on many sides of tech (as a cloud architect at MSFT, a sales engineer and PMM at Dataiku) Iulia finally found her perfect match as a developer advocate at Elastic - focusing on creating content for, and learning from the tech community. She specialises in data science & AI solutions and loves creating videos, blogs, demos and sessions to get people excited about the possibilities of tech. Iulia loves to talk about anything NLP, cloud, data science 101, MLOPs, generative AI, and more.

  • Photo of Minko Gechev
    Google logo

    Minko Gechev

    Angular Core Team @ Google

    Awarded by Google and the President of the Republic of Bulgaria for impactful and influential open source projects and publications. The first laureate awarded in two categories in the contest "John Atanasoff" of the President of the Republic of Bulgaria.

  • Photo of Anthony Fu

    Anthony Fu

    Vite Core Team

    PROGRESSIVE LEARN OF VUE & NUXT | OS Contributor, Creator of Vitest, Slidev, VueUse, UnoCSS, Elk, Type Challenges and others. Core team member of Vue, Nuxt and Vite.

  • Photo of Jatin Ramanathan
    Google logo

    Jatin Ramanathan

    Technical Lead @ Google Wiz Framework

    Software Engineer at Google and technical lead of the Wiz Framework. Wiz which runs most of Google's consumer web apps.

  • Houssein Djirdeh
    Google logo

    Houssein Djirdeh

    Senior Software Engineer @ Google

    Chrome Aurora Core Team Member and Senior Software Engineer at Google starting of in 2018 as a Developer Advocate.

  • Photo of Lucy Mair

    Lucy Mair

    Senior Software Engineer @CodeSignal

    Lucy Mair is a senior front-end software developer at Codat, where they work primarily in TypeScript and React, with a bit of F# thrown in to keep things interesting. Their main passions on the programming front are functional programming and testing.

Learn From

  • Logo of ING
  • Logo of Spotify
  • Logo of Netflix
  • Logo of Google
  • Logo of Adobe
  • Logo of Meta
  • Logo of Microsoft
  • Logo of ABN AMRO
  • Logo of
  • Developers with laptops

    Tech Leader Masterclasses

    Your ticket includes Free Masterclasses designed specifically for engineering managers and leadership roles. It's tailored to equip you with the knowledge and strategies needed to lead and make informed decisions for your team and as a company.

  • Gaming Arena

    Grow Your Network

    Make Professional Connections for Life whilst bonding with your whole engineering Team at our Daily Networking Areas, Mixers and Meetups throughout Amsterdam.

Exhibitor Gamification Developers attending talkImpression of stage

Reach out to

1,000 Decision Makers

Devworld Conference brings you the unique opportunity to reach out directly to 1,000 Decision Makers with the ability to directly buy your product. Grab your chance to immediately promote your Product or Hiring Needs among Backend, Frontend and DevOps & Cloud Developers flying in from 42 countries representing 798 companies.
