Full Stack - DEVWorld 2025

Master the Entire Development Process

Explore the #1 Insights for FullStack Developers

  • 0Enthusiasts
  • 0Full Stack Talks
  • 0Live Demos
  • Mauro Mandracchia

    Data => UI rEvolution

    By Mauro Mandracchia

    Join me as we embark on an exciting exploration of the evolution of user interfaces (UIs) and data technologies. In just 30 years, my experience with Seven Segment Displays and Cathode Ray Tubes seems like a blast from the past, as computing has rapidly advanced. But rest assured, the speed of progress in technology hasn't slowed down. In this talk, we'll take a closer look at the fascinating history of UIs and data evolutions. We'll zoom in on the past decade, examining the transition from POSIX terminals to Graphic Interfaces, culminating in the world-renowned Search Input. Together, we'll speculate on the impact of P2P File Sharing in our understanding and creation of Blockchains. We'll also explore how the familiarity with graph data has empower the development of sophisticated AI systems. Get ready to navigate the dimensions of data and witness how it intertwines with the evolution of UIs. It's an exploration that promises both enlightening insights and an exciting glimpse into the future of data-driven interfaces.

  • Harish Kandala

    Concurrency Models Demystified

    By Harish Kandala

    Concurrency Models Demystified" explores the diverse range of concurrency models utilised in programming languages. Delving into traditional threads, coroutines, the actor model, and async/await, this talk provides real-world examples and insightful comparisons to highlight the unique strengths and trade-offs of each model. By gaining a better understanding of these models, developers will be equipped to make informed decisions when tackling concurrent programming challenges.

  • Scott Stroz

    Using MySQL Document Store with Node.js

    By Scott Stroz

    MySQL Document Store offers developers the best features of NoSQL and traditional SQL-based databases. In this session, we will discuss how we can use Node.js to access a MySQL Document Store, create/remove collections, create/update/remove documents, retrieve, filter, & sort document lists, and leverage raw SQL to retrieve aggregate data for reporting purposes.

  • Alexey Soshin

    Supercharge your Backend for Frontend with Kotlin

    By Alexey Soshin

    In this presentation, we will explore the emergence of new architectural patterns like API Gateway and Backend For Frontend in the era of microservices. We will delve into the specific challenges these patterns address, which were not prevalent in monolithic architectures. Additionally, we will examine the convenient solutions offered by cloud providers like AWS and explore how leveraging the Kotlin programming language can enhance the advantages of these patterns.

  • Andreas Kollegger

    Navigating a Full Stack Knowledge Architecture from Database to LLM

    By Andreas Kollegger

    Together, let's explore the convergence of data, language, and wisdom within a Full Stack Knowledge Architecture. We'll model our way up the stack as data becomes information, creates knowledge, and guides us toward wisdom (aka business insight). Then we'll combine the expressive power of an LLM with the deterministic precision of a query language to reach back down the stack. Along the way we'll identify new access patterns for querying and navigating data: outside-in, inside-out, pattern matching and analogies.

  • Jonathan Vila

    Clean Code, is it really worth it ?

    By Jonathan Vila

    As developers, we participate every day in our software life cycle adding new logic, adapting it, and integrating with services or platforms. But, do we put the same effort into making software robust, maintainable, consistent, secure, clear, and tested? In this session, I will show the need for good practices in Clean Code along with the issues of not using it, showing concepts like Clean As You Code (CAYC) using free and open-source tools. Clean Code goes beyond the produced software and its programming language. Is part of a developer's role growth no matter the language and the company.

  • Albert Brand

    Doing the DDD dance with Google Cloud

    By Albert Brand

    Domain driven design is becoming the de facto choice for many developers on how to structure their applications. However, 20 years since the inception of DDD, the world has changed and cloud is everywhere. Does it still make sense to use DDD patterns in a cloud native world? In this talk I will go over all the building blocks of a DDD architecture and how they map on Google Cloud. You will get a pretty good idea on how to tackle complexity in a modern cloud environment.

  • Kevin Dubois

    Cloud Agnostic Design Patterns and Tips

    By Kevin Dubois

    You've probably seen how to create a Function-as-a-Service with one of the cloud providers, but if this is all you know about Serverless, prepare to have your mind blown! In this session we'll show you how to create a production-grade, cloud-agnostic, event-driven serverless solution with Quarkus, a Java stack optimized for fast startup and small footprint; and Knative, an open source community project for deploying, running and managing serverless applications on Kubernetes. Say goodbye to vendor lock-in and hello to Supersonic Subatomic Java-based Serverless bliss!

  • Kent C. Dodds

    Keynote: The Epic Stack

    By Kent C. Dodds

  • Önder Ceylan

    Rethinking Browser Automation: Unleashing the Power of Puppeteer and Playwright

    By Önder Ceylan

    Are you ready to challenge the status quo and explore the intricacies of browser automation? Join us as we dive into the powerful world of Puppeteer and Playwright to demonstrate how these tools can revolutionize your development and testing workflows. We'll scrutinize the traditional use cases of browser automation and venture beyond the usual scraping content or automated form submission. This fast-paced, highly interactive talk casts a critical eye on de-facto solutions while uncovering hidden treasures from classical practices. We'll showcase real-life examples demonstrating the power of applicable browser instrumentation and automation, putting the spotlight on out-of-the-box approaches and creative techniques. You'll get insights into harnessing the strengths of Chromium DevTools Protocol, Protocol Monitor, and cloud functions (FaaS) to reimagine the limits of what's possible with browser automation. Designed for software and QA engineers in search of novel ideas and fresh challenges, our talk will focus on JavaScript-based solutions. Expect to leave with valuable tips and tricks, a thorough understanding of developer tools such as Puppeteer and Playwright, and renewed inspiration for tackling the next big project.

  • Bakhtar Sobat

    Enhance and improve user experience with BFF

    By Bakhtar Sobat

    An online modern user-facing application consists of two components; a client-side and a server-side, known as Backend For Frontend (BFF). BFF is not just ""another"" backend component but it is a mindset that needs to be followed and respected, which is the key to enhanced and improved user experience. In this talk we are going to see what BFF design pattern is and why is it a MUST for an online application. We will also discuss the benefits of BFF from different perspectives. I'll also share my personal experience and how did I convince my PO to implement this idea within our company.

  • Talita Gregory

    Backstage Plugins: Another way to communicate your data

    By Talita Gregory

    Backstage is known for helping developers focus on what truly matters — creating remarkable features, maintaining services, and expanding knowledge. But how can we take it to the next level? In this talk, we're shifting gears and diving into the realm of Backstage plugins. Join us as we explore how the Lighthouse squad from Spotify leverages Backstage to communicate different performance and quality insights throughout their organization. More importantly, discover how YOU can leverage the magic of Backstage plugins to tap into the rhythm of collaboration, harmonize your communication channels, and rock the stage like never before

  • Daniel Thompson-Yvetot

    Tauri 2.0

    By Daniel Thompson-Yvetot

    This talk will introduce Tauri, the rust-based application framework that leverages system-webviews in order to make very small, fast, and secure apps for Desktops and Mobile devices. It will go into detail about the new features and approaches of Tauri's 2.0 release, with a quick walkthrough of Tauri's polyglot architecture and platform support. It will wrap-up with a live demo focussing on practical advice about how to create apps that are consistently below 5MB.

  • Shruti Thukral

    Exploring Zero Trust Architecture and its Imperative for Today's Threat Landscape

    By Shruti Thukral

    In an era of evolving cyber threats and sophisticated attacks, traditional security models are no longer sufficient to protect our digital assets. Enter Zero Trust Architecture—a paradigm shift that challenges the long-standing assumption of trust within networks. Join us as we uncover the key considerations and strategies for deploying Zero Trust, emphasizing continuous verification, strict access controls, and proactive threat detection

  • Munzur Rahman

    Empowering Developers through Threat Modeling Excellence

    By Munzur Rahman

    Software is eating the world where every company becomes an ICT organization. As a result, software developers are the core of everything we do in this hyper connected digital universe. “Empowering Developers through Threat Modeling Excellence” emphasizes involving developers, providing knowledge/tools, and integrating threat modeling into the software development lifecycle for secure software design. It covers strategies, best practices, benefits, real-world case studies, and fostering a security culture.

  • Igor Sydorenko

    Architecting a Seamless E-commerce Platform Transition: A Deep Dive into Migration Strategies

    By Igor Sydorenko

    This presentation unveils essential strategies for engineers to master the art of e-commerce platform migration. Explore key considerations, real-world case studies, and actionable insights for a seamless transition.

  • Peter Pistorius

    Never be blocked by bad data again

    By Peter Pistorius

    When you don't have good, realistic data to work, debugging a tricky issue or building a complicated feature can have you feeling frustrated or even completely blocked. But what if there was a way to unblock yourself by safely utilizing realistic production data? Peter will show you how to harness production-like data for coding and debugging, without compromising privacy or security. Here's the kicker: you don't even need your production data, just a schema. Watch as the magic of AI and Snaplet does the rest, giving you the data you need for a secure, accurate testing environment that looks like production (but isn't).

  • Alina Dima

    Building Durable Serverless IoT Device Workflows using Cloud-managed Finite State Machines

    By Alina Dima

    Managing large and heterogenous IoT fleets is complex and involves executing sets of operations (workflows), such as configuration management or over-the-air firmware updates. Integrity is key in rolling out configuration, bug fixes, and firmware. If integrity is not ensured, hasty rollouts of fixes to critical bugs and security vulnerabilities or new features introduce high risk to potentially leave devices in inconsistent states or bricked. Visibility, control and early evidence of success on a subset of devices is crucial before rolling out at full scale. Workflows are often distributed (executed on-devices, as well as other systems), could be long running and need to survive device reboots, offline behavior and be rolled back in case of failure. Embedded devices are inherently constrained, and are not well suited for driving complex and distributed workflows. In this session we will look at modelling workflows using Finite State Machines to break down complexity, and introduce an externalized, cloud managed approach to design, build, operate and remotely orchestrate resilient workflows, outside of the scope of specific request/response cycles and independent of device uptime. The proposed design is accompanied by a concrete example implementation, which is evaluated against expectations such as system integrity and observability.

  • Elian van Cutsem

    All Things Astro

    By Elian van Cutsem

    Astro 3 was released a while ago and brought some amazing new features with it. In this talk, we’ll take a look at some of the new released features in Astro 3, do some live coding and have some fun. Maybe we also take a look at what’s coming next in Astro 4.

  • Developers with laptops


    Your ticket grants you access to a 2-hour Full Stack Masterclass, dedicated to comprehensive web development, encompassing topics such as seamless integration, continuous deployment (CI/CD) best practices, containerization and orchestration using tools like Docker and Kubernetes, and resource optimization for full-stack scalability and cost-efficiency.

  • Gaming Arena

    Team Bonding & Networking

    Make Professional Connections for Life whilst bonding with your whole engineering Team at our Daily Networking Areas, Mixers and Meetups throughout Amsterdam.

  • Picture of Best Tech Expo in the World

    Best Tech Expo in the World

    23,000 sqm of Exhibition with the Latest Gadgets in Tech. A disneyland for Developers with Dota & CS Tournaments, Coding Challenges, 3D Printing, Arcade, iOT, Formule 1 Racing and more!

Exhibitor Gamification Developers attending talkImpression of stage

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7,500 Developers In Person

Devworld Conference brings you the unique opportunity to reach out directly to 7,500 Developers In Person with an additional 2,500 online viewers. Grab your chance to immediately promote your Product or Hiring Needs among Backend, Frontend and DevOps & Cloud Developers flying in from 71 countries representing 3,500 companies.


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